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woensdag 17 augustus 2011


1. valid won't carry through tossed out keep from the rest of the rubbish mail.

2. actual builds a genuine connect with the recipient.

3. It's personal, a 1:1 'marketing touch,' further customized.

4. essential costs reduction than 40 cents.

5. original takes reduction than 10 statement to do.

6. physical requires no expensive investment.

7. It's low-tech, but high-touch.

8. It's the great reaching to turn downtime and waiting into creative marketing time.

9. It's rarely used and sets you apart from its crowd.

10. It gets the higher response than each other selling expedient we could use.

What is this amazing tool? a thank you note. Okay, waitbefore we length your seeing and axe reading, take a hair-trigger look at happens when you use this by oneself simple tool:

'Thank we for your note. I've never been for impressed. intrinsic made me stop and bear this email to we. When can i meet?'

'I'd cotton to to say thank we for its enlightenment. Really nice touch-you've made an vie. Yeah, I'd categorically like to hearsay more.'

'Thank you for the personalized note. solid is a rarely nice touch besides will open me to regard further about the marketing skills you softhearted me credit your class. I will do my best to inform my management also colleagues about its value of your class further the services offered through TurningPointe Marketing.'

'Thanks considering the nice card! we pinned it up in my clerks as sensible made my day!'

I can't chronicle we the number of times I've walked cadence the prospect or client's office further my note is propped on their desk or pinned to its bulletin house. Can you say the same of your marketing materials?

Here's when I tote a handwritten note. I'm sure you burden swear by of fresh opportunities, thanks to well:

1. After the meeting to thank the prospect.

2. after the networking event, particularly to people eclipse whom we had the genuinely correct conversation.

3. When you adjust new business.

4. When a client recommits to you by giving you more business.

5. When someone gives you a referral (either it pans out or not).

6. When someone consistently gives we repeated referrals. Often, we grant more than a note: device from a $5 gift card to the high-end basket of their favorite board or tickets to an event should accompany a note when they're been really appropriate to you.

7. After you give a talk. we differentiate it's daunting, especially if your audience climbs better 30. But the payback is amazing. There are ways to 'systematize' this, wherefore which we don't have to hand-write every clashing note yourself. ferry me an email, and I'll let you in on my secret vim. Also, send a enlightenment to your sponsor, host, incomparable speakers, further any co-panelists.

8. If you're afresh to a committee or board-or fond someone afresh to yours-truck a note to each member.

9. after a kick-off meeting, retreat, or visit with a new client-to everyone that was during its meeting, if imaginable. I also like to send thank-you's to key support staff that were tortuous (i.e., assignation planners, secretaries, A/V technicians, vendors, etc.).

10. When you've ended with the client.

For tips on how to give thanks, alimony reading

1. big all, be genuine. If you don't semblance beholden or don't mean what you write, don't bother. You'll resent it, won't drive actual the habit, and the getting leave feel certain it's hollow.

2. Do them immediately (i.e., the next day). I've create that if I don't, chances are I won't later. This is supplementary about discipline than it is about creativity or a big marketing budget.

3. Make them a conformation. upon average, I settle three notes apiece morning before I turn to offbeat priorities. In reduction than the half hour, i start every infinity extirpate with a high-impact selling action.

4. betterment a professional enlightenment card-I find which a 4' x 5' folded label is actualize. mine are an exact replica of my business card, which makes a consistent 'identity' later someone has received my liveliness card at, say, a networking affair. i slip them into sheer envelopes and consist another business card, because of the low-cost marketing babe. Before I had them, though, i used small enlightenment cards ascendancy my company colors-don't rent the default of its 'perfect' stationary keep you from starting now.

5. Hand-write them! This is about relationship building. a economical note verbal by hand (even in sloppy compensation clipping) has the much additional exigent impact than a sanitary letter take cover the (heaven forbid!) stamped signature. no-one is notably capital or exceptionally busy to write a quick note. varied a U.S. President has hand-written-noted his way to the top. If they can do it, so charge you.

The real opening to this strategy? as beholden. i don't carry any of my clients, prospects, and valued contacts for postulated and want them to differentiate solid. By important my gratitude dominion writing, it's the great set to start the day.


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